The only thing I regret is that I did not know Mr Jacob already 20 years ago, it would have made my job easier in so many ways.


Hannes Jacob is a therapist, healer, book author, and creator of the EPI healing method (Extraction of Pathological Information). He is the founder and director of Fréquences – Swiss School of Healing. Fréquences offers courses in Switzerland and France.

For many years, Hannes Jacob has worked closely with the medical field. He has participated in numerous tests in institutions and hospitals specialized in neurological research, in particular to transcribe and interpret his brain frequencies during healing treatments. According to the medical community, the results of these tests show that Hannes Jacob should be in a deep sleep or in a serious medical condition similar to epileptic seizures or certain types of coma. The fact that he manages to induce this state of cerebral inactivity at will has piqued the interest of many doctors, who continue to work with him regularly.

Hannes Jacob regularly works with doctors on patients for whom traditional medicine no longer achieves results. He continues his search for doctors or scientists in order to deepen and broaden the tests and experiments, in particular with regard to a medical explanation of the EPI healing method.

For six years, Hannes Jacob was a teacher at the Swiss Association of Parapsychology in Bern. He has also taught spiritual healing, Therapeutic Touch, meditation and other energy techniques at the “Centre Prévention et Santé” in Colombier and in other centers in Switzerland and abroad.

He has perfected his mediumship skills at the Arthur Findlay College in London. Hannes Jacob is the first Swiss national to have successfully completed the 5-year training as a teacher of mediumship and healing at the Arthur Findlay College in London. He is a pupil of Swamiji Dharmananda Saraswati Maharaj for Kriya Yoga, of Glyn Edwards for mediumship; and Chris Denton for healing.
He regularly retreats to Buddhist monasteries to practice meditation in silence.

At the office

Currently, all slots are booked for several months to come. We are currently unable to book further into the future. Please consider booking your treatment at the OpenDays.


Healing is spiritual work. We are born spiritual, and that is good news!

Even for the World’s best musician would it not make any sense to do their scales on an instrument that is not tuned. In healing, we are that instrument.

Fréquences – Swiss School of Healing in Neuchâtel was created to teach the students the techniques necessary to develop their potential for spiritual healing and Therapeutic Touch.

The course “Healing” runs over the course of one year during which spiritual healing, Therapeutic Touch, trance healing, the elements and Kahuna are taught.

The training consists of twelve course weekends and ends with an optional exam.

EPI method

The healing method Extraction of Pathological Information (EPI) is not part of the course “Healing”. The course “EPI” is a module for advanced practitioners and will not be open to the public before 2022. The successful completion of the course “Healing” is a prerequisite. Additionally, a prior discussion with Hannes Jacob will determine if the candidate is admitted to this training.


For many years, Hannes Jacob has made himself available to the medical community for analysis of his cerebral frequencies which occur during his energy healings, in order to attempt to analyze and explain the results obtained by his various healing techniques.

In 2018, he conducted two studies supervised by medical doctors in order to demonstrate the success of the EPI method for the treatment of pollen and grass allergy (hay fever) and/or for the treatment of dairy product intolerance (lactose intolerance or milk allergy), on the one hand, and another study aiming to analyze the success rate achievable by therapists trained in the EPI method by Hannes Jacob.


Hannes Jacob gladly makes himself available to the media, in order to explain the results obtained by the EPI method and to make the general public aware of the energetic domain; he wishes to highlight that an alternative form of care – complementary to conventional medicine – is possible.


Podcast Café Sensitiv


The reference book

Spirit Life & Science

This workbook not only provides you with all the elements on how to speak concretely to spiritual guides and deceased beings, but it especially insists on the adoption of a healthy practice for both body and soul.

Indeed, there are great disparities in individual practices ranging from very healthy to very harmful.

Also, not everyone seeing spirits or hearing voices can be diagnosed as “schizophrenic” – by far not, as the reader will find out!

Text and illustration: Mahãn Hannes Jacob

Children’s book

the little caterpillar

Through the adventures of Barbara the little caterpillar, the reader can follow the course of a life.

To the existential questions of a child are given pure and encouraging answers which strengthen faith in life and

Text: Mahãn Hannes Jacob
Illustrations: Radka Frank

EPI News

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