Hannes Jacob https://www.hannesjacob.ch/en/ énergétitien Wed, 12 Oct 2022 22:04:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://www.hannesjacob.ch/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/cropped-FAVICON-32x32.jpg Hannes Jacob https://www.hannesjacob.ch/en/ 32 32 Reports by Dr. Pierre Kaeser https://www.hannesjacob.ch/en/reports-by-dr-pierre-kaeser/ https://www.hannesjacob.ch/en/reports-by-dr-pierre-kaeser/#respond Thu, 10 Sep 2020 07:32:01 +0000 https://www.hannesjacob.ch/2020/09/10/reports-by-dr-pierre-kaeser/

Series of reports by Dr. Pierre Kaeser, FMH specialist in allergology and clinical immunology, Centre Médical de la Côte, in Neuchâtel, Switzerland

https://www.hannesjacob.ch/en/reports-by-dr-pierre-kaeser/feed/ 0
PPE (Pathological Information Extraction) – Against allergies and anaphylactic shocks https://www.hannesjacob.ch/en/ppe-pathological-information-extraction-against-allergies-and-anaphylactic-shocks/ https://www.hannesjacob.ch/en/ppe-pathological-information-extraction-against-allergies-and-anaphylactic-shocks/#respond Thu, 27 Aug 2020 21:16:42 +0000 https://www.hannesjacob.ch/2020/08/27/ppe-pathological-information-extraction-against-allergies-and-anaphylactic-shocks/

What causes allergies and how do they work?
What is anaphylactic shock and what are its consequences?
What measures are required for patients who face a severe allergy?
What is the classic medical approach commonly applied to allergies?
How does the new EPI treatment method (developed by the Swiss therapist and healer Hannes Jacob) differ?

Dr. Pierre Kaeser of the Centre Médical de la Côte (Neuchâtel, Switzerland, http://www.centremedicaldelacote.ch) answers these questions and explains why the new EPI treatment method is an ideal solution for both patients and doctors.

A patient who has experienced anaphylactic shocks resulting from the ingestion of kiwis in the past is subjected to Dr. Pierre Kaeser and is treated by Hannes Jacob, a treatment that effectively frees her completely from her severe allergy and associated potentially fatal anaphylactic shocks.

https://www.hannesjacob.ch/en/ppe-pathological-information-extraction-against-allergies-and-anaphylactic-shocks/feed/ 0
2nd clinical study 2018: PPE against hay fever & lactose intolerance https://www.hannesjacob.ch/en/2nd-clinical-study-2018-ppe-against-hay-fever-lactose-intolerance/ https://www.hannesjacob.ch/en/2nd-clinical-study-2018-ppe-against-hay-fever-lactose-intolerance/#respond Thu, 27 Aug 2020 20:45:15 +0000 https://www.hannesjacob.ch/2020/08/27/2nd-clinical-study-2018-ppe-against-hay-fever-lactose-intolerance/

After the fundamental success of the EPI healing method demonstrated by last year’s clinical study (see below), the second clinical study analyzing the success rate achieved by therapists trained by Hannes Jacob, creator of the EPI method, was conducted during May 2018 as part of treatments against allergy to grass pollen (hay fever) and/or intolerance to dairy products (lactose intolerance or milk allergy).

Dr. med. Christian P. Bouillaguet, FMH specialist in general internal medicine (Brunnen, Switzerland) as well as Dr. med. Nicole Cottier Vuilleumier, FMH specialist in general internal medicine (Ste-Croix/VD, Switzerland) supervised this study, which clearly demonstrated that the PPE method is being learned.

https://www.hannesjacob.ch/en/2nd-clinical-study-2018-ppe-against-hay-fever-lactose-intolerance/feed/ 0
Swiss clinical study on a new cure method: PPE – Extraction of Pathological Information https://www.hannesjacob.ch/en/swiss-clinical-study-on-a-new-cure-method-ppe-extraction-of-pathological-information/ https://www.hannesjacob.ch/en/swiss-clinical-study-on-a-new-cure-method-ppe-extraction-of-pathological-information/#respond Thu, 27 Aug 2020 20:44:37 +0000 https://www.hannesjacob.ch/2020/08/27/swiss-clinical-study-on-a-new-cure-method-ppe-extraction-of-pathological-information/ The new healing method “EPI – Extraction of Pathological Information” (EPI – Extraction of Pathological Information) developed by Hannes Jacob has a broad scope and shows a success rate (healing or improvement) well above 90%: Clinical study report (French version) / Clinical study report (English version). This is usually after two brief sessions of a few minutes and without medication or surgery. Learn more about this healing method.

https://www.hannesjacob.ch/en/swiss-clinical-study-on-a-new-cure-method-ppe-extraction-of-pathological-information/feed/ 0
Healing of celiac disease (coeliac disease) https://www.hannesjacob.ch/en/healing-of-celiac-disease-coeliac-disease/ https://www.hannesjacob.ch/en/healing-of-celiac-disease-coeliac-disease/#respond Wed, 12 Aug 2020 08:13:00 +0000 https://www.hannesjacob.ch/2020/08/12/healing-of-celiac-disease-coeliac-disease/
https://www.hannesjacob.ch/en/healing-of-celiac-disease-coeliac-disease/feed/ 0
Kriya massage in a trance https://www.hannesjacob.ch/en/kriya-massage-in-a-trance/ https://www.hannesjacob.ch/en/kriya-massage-in-a-trance/#respond Wed, 15 Jul 2020 10:28:05 +0000 https://www.hannesjacob.ch/2020/07/15/kriya-massage-in-a-trance/
Explication of Dr. med. Ralph-Ingo Hassink of the Center for Pediatric Development and Neurorehabilitation of the Wildermeth Bienne Foundation
https://www.hannesjacob.ch/en/kriya-massage-in-a-trance/feed/ 0